Blog: Community


Starling murmuration heading to roost at sunset, The Wildlife Trusts

2024 Highlights

Get a glimpse of what the Trust and our supporters have achieved in 2024 to help create a wilder future.

Young boy in red t-shirt with blonde hair wearing gardening gloves holding a spade

How we went 30 Days Wild!

Sign-up is now open for the Trust’s annual 30 Days Wild nature challenge in June – meet those who have taken part or have taken action for wildlife and discover the benefits of connecting with the…

Small pond made in a sink in a garden setting

Make a Wildlife Pond!

The best thing you can do to help wildlife in your patch is to create a pond. People and Wildlife Officer, Josh Kalms explains why and how.

A robin perched on a mossy branch, singing

Sharing the joy of nature

Take a moment, connect with nature, express how it makes you feel and share the love!


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