Blog: What To See


Wood anemone

What to See in March

Boost your senses this month with a host of natural delights to revel in.

A grey squirrel hanging from a branch using its front legs to reach red Hawthorn berries that it is eating.

What to see in November

November is the perfect time to spot the colourful array of berries that brighten up our hedgerows and woodlands.

Fly agaric

What to see in October

October is the ideal time to explore the rich colours and fascinating fungi that bring autumn landscapes to life.

The clear waters of the River Mimram, reflecting the dappled sunlight and revealing the pebble strewn river bed below the surface. Its banks are lush with green vegetation and to the right a tree hangs over the water.

What to See in September

Dive into the wildlife highlights of September, with a special focus on the species that inhabit our local chalk rivers.

A six spot burnet moth resting on the pink, globe-like head of a red clover flower. The moth is glossy and black with six bold red spots on each forewing.

What to See in August

Watch out for these species when you're out enjoying the summer sunshine!

Emperor Dragonfly

What to See in July

Dive into the world of dragonflies and uncover which species to spot this July!

What to See in June

June is a great month for wildlife watching - here are some species to look out for this month.


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