17 February is Random Acts of Kindness Day. We’re all in favour of anything that makes this world a kinder place to live in - for people and for wildlife. Here are 10 ways that you can quickly make a difference – some requiring just a few minutes, many are free of charge or cost very little too.
Go Wild on Random Acts of Kindness Day!

Robin and blue tit (C) Mark Hamblin 2020 VISION
1. Feed the birds – it’s cold out there and birds are in search of food. Accelerated feeding rates and loss of habitat brings them into our gardens. Have you got any fruit that is past its best that you could chop up and pop outside, likewise a piece of cheese, or even leftover unsalted rice or pasta? Take a random look around and throw a little kindness! Find out how to attract birds to your garden year-round here.
2. Be kind to yourself – step outside, take a deep breath and listen to the sounds of nature. Give yourself 5 minutes to soak up what’s around you and tune into the natural world. Or, if you have more time, go for a walk in a local park, get out into the countryside or visit one of our nature reserves and make a note to yourself to look closely at what’s around you and marvel at the wonders of nature. Visit our ‘Nature for Wellbeing’ page to read about the many benefits.

Dog walking through woodland (c) Ben Hall/2020VISION
3. Buy some wildflower seeds - get prepared to sow these in March or April. There are many wildflower seed mixes on the market – look out for those that specifically attract bees and butterflies – our pollinators need kind people like you! Get more wildlife gardening tips here.
4. Take a saw to your fence! Yes, you did read that correctly!! By making a small cut-out at the bottom of your fence, you’ll create an opening for a Hedgehog to pass through. These iconic mammals need a kind heart – in 2020, they were put on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as vulnerable to extinction in Great Britain. Find out more about Hedgehogs here.
5. Spread the love - pop round to your neighbours and ask them if they would consider the above too – together you can create a Hedgehog highway!
6. Shower for two minutes less – Why? Because you’ll save up to 30 litres of water and that will have a positive impact on our chalk rivers. These globally rare and precious habitats are vital for our wildlife so please be kind with your water use. Watch the ‘Save Water, Save Wildlife’ video for more water saving tips.

(c) Adam Cormack
7. Create a log pile in your garden. Gather together some logs and stack them to create a micro habitat for insects. In no time at all, you’ll create a community and a food source for which birds, frogs and Hedgehogs will thank you. Find out how here.
8. Encourage a neighbourhood plant swap or share – it’s easy to take cuttings or to divide a clump of herbaceous plants, plus who doesn’t love something for free! Post the idea on your street’s WhatsApp group or make a poster to stick on your fence post and see who else is up for the idea. Together you’ll be creating a greener neighbourhood for people and wildlife.
9. Walk, cycle, get the bus, or travel by train – treat the planet to an act of kindness by using sustainable transport for today’s journey and lower carbon emissions. Give it a go and see if you could make it a habit! Here’s more advice to change how you travel.
10. Do a litter pick – creating a better and kinder world starts with you, so grab your gloves and get to it! As well as sprucing up your local neighbourhood, you’ll be helping wildlife that could otherwise get caught up in the waste.
We hope this list inspires you to carry out acts of kindness and that your connection with nature becomes second nature. Enjoy knowing that you’ve done good and continue with those positive vibes!
Please share your ideas, photos and kind acts with us - we always love to hear good news! Tag us @hertswildlifetrust on Instagram and Facebook and @HMWTBadger on Twitter, using the hashtag #RandomActsofKindnessDay

(c) Jon Hawkins