The Trust’s involvement at Panshanger Park has been instrumental in achieving many brilliant things for people and wildlife. Over the last decade, its owners Tarmac have funded a People and Wildlife Officer, hosted by the Trust, and in just the last couple of years they have played an instrumental part in the planting of a new woodland, creation of a new Dragonfly Hotspot and surpassing the milestone of having more than 200 volunteers engaged in looking after this important and historic landscape.
The Trust continues to play an important role providing expert ecological advice and other guidance to the park team. Tarmac’s site managers, Maydencroft have expanded their day-to-day running of the park with the addition of a new Community Ranger. This role is already growing the fantastic volunteer programmes established by the Trust to deliver practical habitat management, monitoring engagement activities across the site.
As the shape of our relationship with Panshanger Park changes, it’s a great time to take stock and look back at what we have achieved over the past decade, 2014-2024, and the time running up to that period, with the support of our members, volunteers and project partners – and, of course, every one of the 10,700+ people who have attended our events there!