Blog: Birds


Black headed gull

Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun

Discover how Hertfordshire and Middlesex is a refuge for gulls and meet the species recorded in our area with this blog by Tim Hill, Conservation Manager.

A redwing perched on a berry-laden branch

Birds on the move

For many birdwatchers, autumn is the most exciting time of year. But what are they so excited about?

Blue Tit

Create a Wilder Garden

Discover how you can make your outside space more friendly for wildlife and you this spring!

A robin perched on a mossy branch, singing

Sharing the joy of nature

Take a moment, connect with nature, express how it makes you feel and share the love!

A kingfisher plunges down towards the water, its bright turquoise and orange colours glowing in the sunlight

Standing Up for Wildlife at Broadwater Lake

The threat of development hangs over Broadwater Lake SSSI - Director of Nature Recovery, Chloe Edwards, tells us how devastating the impact on wildlife would be.


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