Blog: Volunteering


A wildflower meadow edged with trees extending into the distance.

Governing the Future of the Trust

As we mark our 60th Anniversary, Peter Tallantire, our Chair of Trustees shares his motivations for taking on a governance role at the Trust, and his thoughts and ambitions for the future.

Black-necked Grebes

Five Wetland Wins

Soak up this whistle stop tour of five diverse wetland projects the Trust is working on with its partners

Head and shoulders photo of Peter White wearing a yellow reflective jackets take during volunteering at Stevenage Brook

A day in the life of a River Champion

A guest blog from River Champion, Peter White, to celebrate Rivers Week and the invaluable work of volunteers. Peter has been actively involved in river restoration projects and monitoring as a…

Group of people tending to community garden

Take Action for Nature

How you and your community can take action this year to protect our natural habitats and the wildlife that calls them home.


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