Blog: Nature


winter walk

What to see (and do) in January

Find inspiration in nature this January, with ideas of what to see and do to warm your heart and fill your soul, even on the coldest of days.

Stag Beetle

Our Wild Olympians

Discover some of the incredible physical performances in our natural world...

Apple tree branch in blossom. A small girl is being held up by a man to look at the blossom.

Nature, Who Cares? Ask Your Parliamentary Candidates!

With a week to go till the General Election, discover why Kaye Brennan, The Wildlife Trusts’ Head of Campaigning, wants to make sure election candidates know they must prioritise nature, if they…

Young boy in red t-shirt with blonde hair wearing gardening gloves holding a spade

How we went 30 Days Wild!

Sign-up is now open for the Trust’s annual 30 Days Wild nature challenge in June – meet those who have taken part or have taken action for wildlife and discover the benefits of connecting with the…


Passing Nature on to the Next Generation

It's Nature Day at COP28. Debbie Bigg, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, reflects on the importance of standing up for nature locally so it can be protected for future generations.

A newt crawling over deep brown rotting wood.

The Living Deadwood

Discover the remarkable biodiversity that thrives in rotting wood!


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