WildNet - Penny Dixie
Wilder Schools
Want to improve your school grounds for wildlife?
Our wild populations are struggling, and this is largely because habitats have become fragmented. We have broken up the natural places where nature thrives by developing on land, building roads and disrupting waterways. So, it is important, we do what we can to reconnect them, and your school can play an important role in this.
School grounds can be amazing for wildlife! They can provide a variety of safe habitats and help to form habitat corridors between our natural spaces. School grounds also provide excellent opportunities for young people and communities to access, enjoy and be inspired by nature in and out of lesson time.

WildNet - Helen Walsh
Why is this important for young people?
There are so many proven benefits to spending time and learning outdoors. Regular exposure to the natural world can help:
- Improve mental and physical health
- Higher academic attainment and cognitive skills
- Improve behaviour
- Better attitudes to learning
- Support resilience
- Increase self-esteem & better social skills
- Encourage pro environmental behaviours.
So... it’s really important that we create opportunities for young people to access wild spaces and connect with nature.
There are many low-cost ideas for making changes to your grounds to benefit local wildlife. These are things you can involve your class or whole school with, using your school grounds to provide vital habitat and build a connection to nature for all your pupils.
If you would like some bespoke advice, why not book a visit from one of our Wilder School Champions!