June is nearly upon us and that can only mean one thing – it’s time to get ready for The Wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild campaign and commit to doing one wild thing every day throughout the month. This is the biggest nature challenge in the UK – last year half a million people signed up and took part – and this year we’re urging the people of Hertfordshire and Middlesex to make it even bigger!
Our Top Ideas for Going 30 Days Wild this June!

30 Days Wild = many more days of wellbeing
The 30 Days Wild challenge is a brilliant opportunity to head outdoors and to connect with the natural world, and, what’s more, it has tremendous benefits for wellbeing. Research conducted over a five-year period as part of the 30 Days Wild annual summer challenge revealed:
- The daily activity made people significantly happier, particularly those who started with a relatively weak connection to nature.
- The challenge boosted the health of participants by an average of 30%.
- Increases in people’s health and happiness were still felt two months after the challenge was over.
- The more connected to nature people feel, the more they will do something to help to protect it – behaviours that benefit wildlife, habitats and communities.
Sold on the idea but wondering how you can do something wild every day for a month? Well, we’ve got 10 ideas up our sleeve which you can take inspiration from to get you started. Of course, you can adapt these to suit yourself and your circumstances - and if you sign up for 30 Days Wild, you'll receive daily ideas throughout the month!

Wildflowers © Gillian Day
10 Ideas to get you started on your 30 Days Wild!
- Get up early and enjoy the dawn chorus.
- Have a wild half term taking part in activities and events
- Check out the Peregrine Falcons nesting on St Albans Cathedral – watch them on the Cathedral’s webcam and come along to one of our weekend Peregrine Watch events, every Saturday and Sunday throughout June.
- Become a citizen scientist - sign up and take part in the Bugs Matter survey.
- Put out a water dish for wildlife or make a mini pond.
- Visit a nature reserve, a park or a local greenspace.
- Hunt for mini beasts in a garden or a park, or make a log shelter to create your very own mini beast nature reserve!
- Ask your neighbour or street if they would like to do a plant swap.
- Leave a wild patch of long grass in your lawn for wildlife and create a mini meadow.
- Campaign for a wilder future and defend nature – send your MP a postcard.
How to sign up for 30 Days Wild
It’s simple – just fill in the online form and let us know whether you’d like a FREE pack through the post or by email.
Your 30 Days Wild
We’d love to hear what you get up during June – please do share your activities and photos with us through our social media channels by tagging us @hertswildlifetrust on Instagram and Facebook and @HMWTBadger on Twitter.

(c) Evie and Tom