Blog: Migratory Birds


A redwing perched on a berry-laden branch

Birds on the move

For many birdwatchers, autumn is the most exciting time of year. But what are they so excited about?

A kingfisher plunges down towards the water, its bright turquoise and orange colours glowing in the sunlight

Standing Up for Wildlife at Broadwater Lake

The threat of development hangs over Broadwater Lake SSSI - Director of Nature Recovery, Chloe Edwards, tells us how devastating the impact on wildlife would be.

Annotated image of a common sandpiper with features such as crouched posture pointed out

Wading into autumn

For many birdwatchers things are just hotting up! We might be reaching the end of summer, but this is when a group of birds known as waders start to appear on our shores. Here are six waders to…

Migratory lapwing

Hello & Goodbye!

Keep your eyes to the skies this autumn and look out for the migratory birds - both leaving and arriving.


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