Blog: Action for Insects


Red Admiral sitting on a flowering bramble

Summer holiday wild fun! Week Four:

We’re half-way through the holidays now so if that leaves you in a flutter for ideas then fear not! It’s week four in our series of summer holiday wild fun and we’re feeling flighty with thoughts…


Where have all the insects gone?

Bugs Matter encourages sign up to survey insect findings on any essential journeys made up until 31 August 2023. The first step is to download the app and create an account - then the fun begins…

Green and brown grasshopper close up amongst leaves resting on blade of grass

Gorgeous Grasslands

Guest blog from nature writer, photographer and invertebrate artist, Gail Ashton, to celebrate National Insect Week.

A female blackbird staling through the long grass of a lawn, with a worm in her beak

Lions of the lawn

Discover some of the predators stalking through your garden’s grassland.


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