IMPORTANT UPDATE Threat to Broadwater Lake SSSI

IMPORTANT UPDATE Threat to Broadwater Lake SSSI

Broadwater Lake (c) Tim Hill

Director of Nature Recovery, Chloe Edwards, shares the latest on the threat to Broadwater Lake SSSI, and what we can all do to help protect this vital national wetland.

Broadwater Lake SSSI is a nationally protected wetland in the Colne Valley. In November 2023, Hillingdon Council submitted a planning application to build a new Watersports Facility and Activity Centre on Broadwater Lake. This development would be catastrophic for the wildlife and set a dangerous precedent for legally protected sites across the UK.

Object to the Planning Application Here

The planning application for Broadwater Lake was expected to be considered by the Planning Committee on 14 March 2024 but it was not on the agenda.

Is no news, bad news? We’re really worried it is.

We’ve now had confirmation from Hillingdon Council that the planning application for Broadwater Lake will also not be considered by the Planning Committee in May.

We’ve been informed that an amended submission is currently being prepared, which strongly suggests that despite having received over 1200 objections from local residents, conservation groups and the Government's own environmental advisors, Natural England and the Environment Agency – Hillingdon Council is still trying to make this scheme fit at Broadwater Lake SSSI.

We know they’ve already invested an awful lot of money in this proposal (and have a further £23 million allocated in their budget to deliver this scheme), and they’ve been incredibly dismissive of the existing value of this site for nature since the outset. As an alternative, imagine what £23 million pounds of investment into nature’s recovery in Hillingdon would look like…

Rectangular information board at Broadwater lake in verdant green vegetation. The board overlooks the still lake bordered by trees on a bright day, the blue gently clouded sky is reflected in the lake’s surface.

Interpretation board at Broadwater Lake

It has also recently come to light that despite publicising a closing date for the planning application consultation of 19th December 2023, Hillingdon Council will continue to accept all comments up until the Planning Committee date (currently unknown).

We’re aware that some stakeholders already aware of this, have undertaken a concerted effort on social media to push for comments in support of the scheme to continue to be registered which has led to a boost in comments in support of the scheme from 570 at the close of the official consultation window to 840 as of 18th April 2024.

Object to the Planning Application Here

We would much rather see the scheme put forward as soon as possible and it be refused in line with the objections from the Government's own environmental advisors. Hillingdon Council’s efforts need to be refocused to find an appropriate home for HOAC and Broadwater Lake maintained as the nationally important sanctuary for wildlife that it is.

Brid on water with russet head and text saying Under Threat Save Broadwater Lake

How You Can Stand Up for Broadwater Lake SSSI

As we have no indication of when any decisions will be made, we are putting out a renewed plea for you to continue to use your voice to stand up for nature at Broadwater Lake SSSI.

Here are a few things you can do to help:

  • If you haven’t already, please consider objecting to the planning application here, and encourage others to do the same. You can view the Trust's concerns and objections here.
  • If you live in Hillingdon Borough then you could get in touch with your Council representatives on the Planning Committee and/or your local MP to raise awareness of your concerns about the proposals and the catastrophic impact approving this scheme would have on Broadwater Lake SSSI. 
  • Wherever you live, you can still reach out to your elected representatives (local Councillors or your MP) to share details of this nationally-relevant case and highlight that nature matters to you and will influence how you vote later this year. 

With many thanks for your ongoing support and for defending nature at Broadwater Lake SSSI.