

Scrapes at Hertford Heath

Tough love

Nature is beautiful and delicate, but creating the right conditions for wildlife can seem brutal and destructive. The works are crucial to maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

American mink

Alien Invaders

Every year, non-native invasive species are estimated to cost the UK economy £1.7bn. They can pose a risk to our native wildlife and are a good example to demonstrate how delicate our ecosystem is…

Grass Identification

The big 30 Days Wild Roundup

The Wildlife Trusts’ annual 30 Days Wild challenge was more popular than ever this year – 400,000 people carried out well over 10 million Random Acts of Wildness all over the UK during the 30 days…

A bird at dawn

Catch the early bird

Now is the time to set the alarm for early morning (really early morning!) and enjoy the beautiful sounds of the dawn chorus.

Coot in the rain

Let it rain!

Despite the wet weather recently, the water levels are lower than they should be in this time of year. We can't control the weather, but we can influence our water usage to save wildlife!

Grebe House wildlife garden

Go wild in your garden!

Spring is around the corner so it’s a perfect time to be getting on gloves and wellies and heading out into the garden! This year, why don't you turn your garden into a wildlife haven?
