

Dale Sutton/2020vision

Going ultrasonic

Mistakenly thought to be blind, bats are in fact perfectly able to see, but instead use a superior method to navigate the night: ultrasonic frequencies.

Grass snake

The Great British Snake Off

Snakes are often thought of as exotic creatures to be admired (or avoided) on holidays in hotter countries, but did you know that Britain is home to three native snake species?

Grebe House Wildlife Garden

Towards a Wilder St Albans

If you'd like to see St Albans a little bit wilder, good news! In April 2021, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, in partnership with St Albans District Council will be launching a pioneering…

Christmas tree in forest

The Nature of Christmas

As that magical time of year comes around again, we're having a look at where some of our Christmas traditions originated...
