Starling Murmuration © Danny Green/2020VISION
Starling murmurations
Starlings put on a breath-taking spectacle during the winter months - their famous murmurations are a sight not to be missed! They gather in huge groups and swoop and dive over their roost site before settling down for the night.
The best time to see is the early evening, just before dusk. Visit Stocker's Lake or Tring Reservoirs for a chance to witness this aerial stunt.

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Vixen in the Snow during winter, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire - Danny Green/2020VISION
Foxes are nocturnal, but in winter, they can frequently be seen during the day, when their courtship takes place. Don't be surprised or even afraid when you hear a spine-chilling scream: It's the female fox's - also called vixen - love call.
Best spotted in a snowy landscape when they stand out with their fiery red fur, foxes are incredibly adaptable and can be found in a huge variety of habitats.

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Portrait of an adult male, backlit by evening sunlight, drying its wings. Derbyshire, UK - Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION
Winter Wildfowl
Winter is the best time of year to watch ducks, geese and swans for two very good reasons: the highest numbers of birds are present in winter months and drakes are in their brightest and best plumage of the year.
Visit one of our wetland nature reserves such as Amwell or Stocker's Lake.

Holly berries © Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
Winter evergreens provide a welcome touch of colour in mid-winter. The red holly berries that only grow on a female tree have traditionally been used in Christmas decorations. Historically seen as a symbol of fertility, mistletoes are nowadays a welcome reason to steal a cheeky peck. Ivy is a great plant for wildlife, as it provides shelter and food for many birds and insects throughout the year.