School children learning about upland ecology as part of Flora of the Fells day, Helvellyn, Lake District NP, Cumbria - Peter Cairns/2020VISION
Wilder Watch Learning Pack
As part of our ‘Connecting People with the Colne Valley’ project, we produced a nature based education pack for use in primary schools.
Focusing on woodlands and wetlands, the pack comprises 20 fun and educational activities aimed at Key Stage 1 and 2, all of which are linked to the new National Curriculum for Science.
Funded by the City Bridge Trust and the Heritage Lottery Fund, the pack is completely free as we want as many schools as possible to use them! The idea is to help get more children connecting with nature and the outdoors while also contributing to their education and personal development.
We have worked to produce activities that are user friendly and can be self-led, but we welcome any comments or suggestions for future activities. Please contact us at wildersupport@hmwt.org
Each activity is arranged to consist of background information, objectives, a list of what you need, instructions, links to the National Curriculum for Science and, in most cases, follow up ideas. In addition to this, some activities have accompanying worksheets and resources that can be photocopied as and when required.
The pack also links in with Wildlife Watch, www.wildlifewatch.org.uk, the junior branch of The Wildlife Trusts, where you can find many more fun activities to try. You may also wish to find out about our special Community Membership, on our membership pages which can help you continue to develop your pupils’ interest in local wildlife.
We hope that you and your students find these packs useful and enjoyable!