Swift Awareness Week Events

Swift in the air

Common Swift © David Tipling/2020VISION

Swift Awareness Week Events

Why not celebrate Swift Awareness Week by coming to an event organised by a local Swift Group?

Find a Swift Awareness Week Event near you!

Please note that these events are organised by local groups and details might change so please do check with the local group!


No need to book any of these, just turn up!

1st July - Swift Walk: Town Centre. Meet in Sainsburys car park SG14 1RD at 7:30pm

2nd July - Swift Walk: Bengeo. Meet at Holy Trinity Church SG14 3JJ at 7:30pm

3rd July - Swift Walk: Kingsmead. Meet at Hertford East Station SG14 1SB at 7:30pm

4th July - Swift Walk: North Road and Sele. Meet at Hertford North Station SG14 1NB at 7:30pm

5th July - Swift Walk: Town Centre. Meet at St Andrews Church SG14 1HZ at 7:30pm


1st July - Swift Walk: Meet at the corner of Wilton Road and Whitehurst Avenue at 8pm, no need to book


3rd July - Swift Walk: Meet at the Bell Street Car Park exit, CM21 9AN at 8pm, no need to book


29th June - Swift Walk: Meet at the Crooked Billet, 140 Musley Hill, SG12 7NL at 8pm, no need to book