Broadwater Lake Objections to Planning Application
Hillingdon Council has received 1200 comments in objection to the planning application to develop a new Watersports Facility and Activity Centre at Broadwater Lake SSSI.
Objections were also made by Natural England and the Environment Agency - these are particularly important as they are statutory consultees.
Here's a summary of the concerns they raised.
Natural England
Natural England consider the development will:
damage or destroy the interest features for which Mid Colne Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) has been notified.
Their main concerns are:
Direct loss of Mid Colne Valley SSSI – loss of open water at Broadwater Lake
Direct loss of suitable habitat for interest features (non-breeding and breeding birds) as a result of land reclamation and peninsula works
Disturbance (visual, noise) to both non-breeding and breeding birds throughout the construction phase
Concerns that the proposed mitigation is not suitable for the interest features
Disturbance (visual, noise) to breeding birds throughout the continued operational phase of the development due to the intensification of recreational activity at Broadwater Lake of both water and land-based activities over the breeding season
Uncertainties surrounding all year-round activities at Broadwater Lake which would impact over-wintering birds.
Environment Agency
Objection 1: Inadequate flood risk assessment
Objection 2: More detailed consideration on the control of pollution is required, and parallel tracking is recommended.
Objection 3: Activity could cause unacceptable impacts to waterbodies in the River Basin Management Plan
Objection 4: Presence of legally protected species and/or priority species (principally those for which we have a lead role in protecting) and no/inadequate evidence that the risks have been assessed and addressed satisfactorily.
You can also read our response to the planning application here.

Pochard (c) Guy Edwardes 2020VISION