Wilder St Albans - Wilder Actions Map

WSA Wilder Actions header

By combining our individual actions across our District we are creating positive changes and improving the nature network around us. How and where are people taking action for wildlife across the District? Explore the map below and find out!

Every action, no matter how small, makes a difference

Double click on the map to zoom in and see what is happening around you. You can click on any pin to find out more or click on a shaded area in the parks and green spaces to see wilding proposal by St Albans City and District Council. You can comment on any of these proposals by clicking on the green space and following the link.


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Wilder Group

Wilderhood Watch

Wilder Communities

Wilder Water

Wilder Business and Spaces

Wilder Trees

Room for Roots

Wilder Learning

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Add your wilder actions to the map by completing the form below. Once you have submitted your action it may take up to two weeks for it to appear on the map.