Wild Child

Wild Child Header Swallows

(c) Alan Price

Our Wild Child project helps connect families with the wildlife all around them

We believe that children should have access to nature and we want to help people discover and care for the wildlife around them. Our Wild Child project is aimed at families with children aged 5-10 and helps them to explore their local wild spaces and learn how to care for nature. 

Family at Amwell

Family at Amwell © Matthew Roberts 

Go wild with your family this summer

In partnership with Herts County Council, we've prepared activity packs for ten of the nature reserves we care for. These packs will help you explore the reserves and learn about the wildlife that lives there. Have a look at the map below to see where all the nature reserves are. 

Download your pack using the form below

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Wild Child Activity Pack

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What's in the pack?

Our Wild Child Activity packs cover ten different nature reserves across Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Each pack contains information about the nature reserve and things to do there, two spotting sheets to take on your walk - one for the nature reserve and one for our younger wildlife detectives - and a My Wild Walk template to relive this adventure once you're back home. Choose one of the nature reserves or visit them all and download your free pack below.

Wild Child Activity Pack on meadow

Our partner

Hertfordshire County Council has committed to improve wildlife across the county by 20% by 2050. Last year its Cabinet approved the Sustainable Hertfordshire Strategy, and agreed to substantially fund and support an Action Plan. One of the actions is to continue to work with partners to stop the decline of local wildlife and encourage the reversal of loss – the County Council is proud to work with the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust to do this. Find out more