In memory
Thank you for thinking of donating to Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust at this difficult time. Donating to the Trust is a special way to make a lasting tribute in memory of a loved one. From woodlands bursting with birdsong to meadows flourishing with wildflowers, your donation will ensure the wild places your loved one cared for are protected for future generations to enjoy.
Here at the Trust, we understand donating in memory is a personal decision for everyone. We hope the options we have provided enable you to make a meaningful lasting tribute and one that will offer comfort knowing you are helping to protect your loved ones favourite places and a cause close to their heart.
Dedicate a plaque
Honour the memory of a loved one by dedicating a plaque - you’ll not only create a lasting tribute but also help support our essential work across Hertfordshire and Middlesex.
Create an online tribute page
Creating an online in memory page is a special way to remember a loved one. Friends and family can share their memory’s, add photos and donate in memory. You can set up your page for free using JustGiving or MuchLoved.
Collect at your loved one's funeral
Many choose to donate in lieu of flowers at a funeral and we are incredibly grateful for all donations made in this special way. Places of worship and funeral directors are often happy to assist with these collections, but please feel free to put them in touch with us if you would like our help. If you would like to arrange these collections yourself we can provide you with donation envelopes.
How to send your gift to the Trust
By Post
To send a gift by post, please send a cheque made payable to Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Include your name and address as well as details of the person you are remembering.
Our address is:
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Grebe House
St Michael's Street
St Albans
By Phone
To make a gift by phone using a credit or debit card please call 01727 858 901. Available during office hours only.
Please tell us the person you are remembering in the 'comments' section as well as any messages you would liketo share with us.