Panshanger Park Forest School Update

Panshanger Park Forest School Update

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust regretfully announce that Panshanger Park Forest School will close in July.

Forest School is a Tarmac initiative delivered in partnership with the Trust. The Forest School has now reached the end of the project funding provided by Tarmac. Over the past months, Tarmac and Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust have been looking at ways to finance the Forest School beyond this academic year, but we have been unable to find the funding needed to secure its future. The Forest School will continue to run for the summer term and will close from the end of July.

We are sad that the Panshanger Park Forest School will be coming to an end but we are also very proud of what we have achieved with the Forest School and we would like to thank the local community for their support. Since it opened in February 2015, the Forest School has seen over 1,700 local children enjoy taking part in activities that encourage creativity and exploration all in the beautiful surroundings of Panshanger Park. We are very proud that we have been able to provide these experiences for so many children in Hertfordshire.

The Trust and Tarmac will continue to work in partnership through the Panshanger People and Wildlife Project to welcome visitors of all ages to the Park and help them engage with wildlife through volunteering opportunities and events such as the Festival of Wildlife.

The Trust remains committed to inspiring young people to value and care for wildlife and will continue activities across Hertfordshire and Middlesex helping to connect children to the natural world around them.