Switch On to the Peregrine Falcons at St Albans Cathedral

Switch On to the Peregrine Falcons at St Albans Cathedral

Peregrine Falcon at St Albans Cathedral (c) Patrick Wainwright

Watch all the action live from the Peregrine Falcon's nest tray on St Albans Cathedral via webcam.

The highly anticipated switch on of the webcam focused on the Peregrine Falcons’ nest tray on St Albans Cathedral is taking place today, Monday 24 March.

The pair of Peregrine Falcons at St Albans Cathedral have captured the public’s interest since their first chick hatched in 2022, are breeding for the fourth successive year. The couple, once of only five breeding pairs in Hertfordshire, have been sighted on and around the Cathedral since early spring. Peregrine Falcons normally mate for life and often remain loyal to their nest site each year so the Cathedral is now an established breeding ground.

The webcam, which has been sponsored by Opticron, who make a range of products, including binoculars and fieldscopes, enables the public to view all the action, live from their nesting tray and follow the birds progress. The provision of this birds-eye view is proven to be extremely popular, with over half a million views to the Cathedral webpage recorded last year.

Grey bird of prey sitting in nesting box

(c) Barry Trevis

Lea Ellis, Engagement Manager at Herts and Middlesex Trust said:

“The Peregrine’s nesting tray, which the webcam is focused on, replicates their natural cliff-top nesting habitat and was purposely installed high up on the Cathedral, to an area that the birds were known to be favouring back in March 2022. The shingle enables the birds to make their shallow nest 'scrape', which is what they would do in a natural nesting site, and provides them with a safe place to lay their eggs.

“The Trust is working with communities to foster a connection with local wildlife and take action for to protect and restore nature. The webcam give us all an opportunity to marvel at the wonder of nature first-hand and enjoy the wellbeing benefits that come with that. I’m hopeful that we’ll see more chicks successfully hatching this year.”

Pete Gamby, Sales and Marketing Manager at Opticron said:

“As soon as we heard about the opportunity to support this year’s Peregrine web camera project, we were pleased to confirm our sponsorship of the new camera equipment, web hosting, and information leaflet. We’ve had a long association with Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, including supporting its Wild Snaps photo competition, the prize giving for which has been hosted at St Albans Cathedral, so it was a natural fit for us. Whilst there is no better experience than viewing birds ‘in real life’, the online camera gives hundreds of thousands of people a chance to see behind the scenes how these magnificent raptors raise their chicks.”

Peregrine Falcon at St Albans Cathedral

Peregrine Falcon at St Albans Cathedral (c) Patrick Wainwright

A powerful bird of prey with blue/grey plumage, a white face and a contrasting black moustache, the Peregrine Falcon is extremely quick and agile. It holds the record for not only the fastest bird in the world, but also the fastest member of the animal kingdom with a diving speed in excess of 200 miles per hour. 

The number of breeding pairs of Peregrine Falcons in Southern England are gradually increasing and are mainly using high buildings such as cathedrals, churches and office blocks in our cities, towns and some villages, along with some more natural sites such as quarries. Despite this, the St Albans pair are thought to be one of only five pairs breeding in Hertfordshire. Other pairs have bred in Watford, Hemel Hempstead, Welwyn Garden City and Wymondley.

Peregrine Falcon on St Albans Cathedral

Peregrine Falcon on St Albans Cathedral (c) Patrick Wainwright

Barry Trevis has been studying breeding Peregrine Falcons across Hertfordshire to help ensure the species' safety. Barry said:

“Numbers of Peregrine Falcons fell through the first-half of the twentieth century to critical levels in the 1960’s but today they are protected by law as a Schedule 1 listed species of The Wildlife and Countryside Act. It is now an offence to disturb the birds in any way, and this protection has had a positive effect on their numbers, which have slowly increased to a point where the national breeding population is now considered to be in excess of 1,700 pairs.

“The webcam is an excellent tool in helping us to monitor the breeding success of these birds at St Albans Cathedral. Should they be successful, we will look to ring the chicks which can help provide information on the birds, giving us valuable insights to their survival rates and movements.”

Canon Will Gibbs commented:

“This is wonderful news and yet another expression of our core commitment to the environment and all creation and to the Cathedral and its grounds being a place of welcome for humans and animals alike.”

Peregrine chicks being fed on the nest tray at St Albans Cathedral after being ringed

Peregrine chicks being fed on the nest tray at St Albans Cathedral after being ringed (c) Barry Trevis

The Trust has launched a Peregrine Sponsorship Pack, available in both postal and digital forms, with all proceeds going towards supporting local wildlife. More information can be found at hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/shop

Peregrines also feature in the Herts Natural History Society’s Wild About Hertfordshire Exhibition, a celebration of Society’s 150th anniversary and the iconic flora, fauna and habitats of the county, taking place from 21 March to 6 July 2025 at St Albans Museum and Gallery. Visit stalbansmuseums.org.uk/whats-on/wild-about-hertfordshire for more information.

The webcam will be switched on, on Monday 24 March, and can be viewed at stalbanscathedral.org/peregrine-live-cam