Please note – access to the site is temporarily unavailable to our members. We will confirm on this web page as soon as access returns to normal.

Hilfield Park Reservoir (c) Charlotte Hussey
Hilfield Park Reservoir
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Contact for visiting arrangements.Best time to visit
April to July, November to FebruaryAbout the reserve
This large expanse of water is a valuable refuge for waterfowl, including Black-necked Grebe. An important site for large numbers of wintering ducks, particularly Mallard, Shoveler, Teal, Wigeon and Goldeneye. The area is of national importance for its summer populations of Pochard, Tufted Duck and Common Tern. The marginal vegetation supports many breeding bird species such as Reed Bunting and Sedge Warbler. Around the margins of the reservoir are large marshy areas where many species of marsh plants flourish, including Great Reedmace, Reed Canary Grass, Common Reed and various sedges.
Seasonal Highlights
Spring: Blackcap, Black-Necked Grebe, Orange-tip, Reed Bunting.
Summer: Brown Argus, Common Pipistrelle, Marbled White, Migrant Hawker, Meadow Brown.
Autumn/ Winter: Goldeneye, Goosander, Pochard, Smew, Wigeon.
Hilfield Park Reservoir is owned by Affinity Water and managed by the Trust.
Key loan arrangements for Trust members
Hilfield Park Reservoir is not open to the public. Trust members wishing to request access need to contact to arrange a short-term key loan. Keys can only be collected and returned to the office on either a Tuesday or a Wednesday.
Whilst this reserve is closed to the public, there is a viewing platform on the east side of the reserve which is accessible via Hogg lane, and along a public footpath. Remember to wear wellies in the muddy season and stick to the path.
Site entrance: The entrance is on Hilfield Lane – there is no public access. Trust members only, borrow the key from the head office in St Albans.
Access by road: On A41 head south towards Edgware. Pass over M1 and turn left into Hilfield Lane after 0.5 miles. Entrance is 200 yards on the right.
Access by public transport
Bus: 306, 823 bus – Motorway Bridge on A411, Eltree Road. Reserve (1 mile).
Rail: Bushey or Elstree and Borehamwood (3 miles).

This site is owned by Affinity Water.