Wildlife in Crisis Appeal

Wildlife in Crisis Appeal

£149,779 of £280,000 goal

Wildlife is in crisis. The recent State of Nature report found that nearly one in six species in Great Britain is threatened with extinction. We know that nature can recover, and that our conservation approaches are successful, but as the scale of the nature crisis has grown, so have our costs. 

We have the solutions - but our resources are stretched to the limit. That’s why we have launched a fundraising campaign to raise £280,000 so we can continue to do everything in our power to support it. Can you help by donating today?

Buff-Tailed Bumblebee


could help maintain equipment we need to manage scrub on our special grasslands to help pollinators.
Water Vole by the bank of a river surrounded by reeds and enjoying a munch on some nearby vegetation


could help restore a local riverbank to create vegetation with stable banks for burrowing Water Voles.
White Admiral c Jim Higham


could help train staff to use the tools needed to create clearings in our ancient woodlands to help butterflies.

Wildlife needs your help

We’ve already seen catastrophic declines in our wildlife both locally and across the UK. With continued threats from pollution, habitat loss and our changing climate, species loss is set to continue on a downward trajectory if we don’t act now. In Hertfordshire alone, we have over 1,500 species identified as being of conservation concern, including those who are extinct and threatened in the county.

"The truth is that the UK is one of the most nature depleted countries on the planet and the situation is getting worse."

Sir David Attenborough, President Emeritus

Our costs are rocketing

The Trust is facing increasing costs due to economic pressure. Put simply, it is costing us more money to undertake the same amount of work. From the increased costs of the vehicles, equipment and materials that we need to keep our nature reserves thriving and accessible; to the effect the energy crisis and inflation are having on the standard bills and running costs needed to deliver important conservation work.  

Your donation will make a difference to local wildlife

Your donation will go to the heart of our conservation work, allowing us to continue restoring vital ecosystems and supporting our vulnerable wildlife. Come rain or shine, and with the amazing support of our volunteers, we are working to help nature thrive again. For instance:

Wildflower meadows

Wildflower meadows are vital habitats for bees and other pollinators. But with 97% lost nationally since the 1930s, protecting them and their wildlife is critical. Our Frogmore Meadow Nature Reserve is a perfect example of what expert management can create, alive with birdsong in spring and shining with all the colours of the rainbow in summer.

Ancient woodlands

Ancient woodlands were once widespread, but sadly these irreplaceable, wildlife-rich habitats now only cover 2.5% of the UK. Special woodlands, like Balls Wood Nature Reserve, provide a vital home to many vulnerable and declining butterfly species including the White Admiral butterfly, which benefit from our ongoing dedicated woodland management.

Chalk streams

Chalk streams are globally important – with just 260 in the entire world. In Hertfordshire we are proud custodians of around 10% of these precious habitats. These rare and unique river systems support some of our most endangered species, including Water Vole, the UK’s fastest-declining mammal; now thriving thanks to our reintroduction projects at the River Stort, Ver and Beane.


Reedbeds can support a wide range of wildlife, if a variety of vegetation growth and structure are present. Following years of hard work creating more reedbed habitat, our commitment has paid off - this year a male Bittern has been heard calling for a mate (‘booming’) at our Amwell Nature Reserve – the first time in recent history in Hertfordshire.

Donate to help nature's recovery


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I donate to this appeal?

A huge thank you from everyone at Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust for choosing to support our appeal.

Card Online: Please click on any of the donation links or buttons displayed above. You will be directed to a form where you can enter and change the amount that you would like to give.

Card by phone: Please call us on 01727 858 901 ext. 302 (during usual office hours).

Cheque by post: Cheques can be made payable to 'Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust' and sent to us at: Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust, Grebe House, St Michael's Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 4SN

If you would like to discuss your donation, please call our friendly Fundraising Team on 01727 858901 ext. 302 or email fundraising@hmwt.org

Can I raise money for this appeal?

Yes! If you're ready to take on a personal challenge towards nature's recovery, then you can fundraise towards our appeal - take a look at our fundraising pack here

Can my business get involved?

Yes! Please reach out to us if you are able to contribute to our appeal via your business, we'd love to hear from you. Please email partnerships@hmwt.org for more information.

Why are you aiming to raise £280,000?

With rising costs, this is the amount that we are aiming to raise across all of our fundraising channels this financial year. It includes fundraising from individuals, local community groups and businesses, legacies and grants.

Due to rising costs, this appeal will help raise the funds needed towards our core conservation work. It is only part of our overall fundraising target and is in addition to the vital support we get through our committed members.

We know this is an ambitious target, but a large target will allow us to continue to drive forward nature’s recovery locally.