Volunteer Livestock Checker

Volunteer Livestock Checker

Various locations, throughout Hertfordshire and Middlesex
Join the Trust’s team of Livestock Checker Volunteers to support the work of looking after our nature reserves across Herts and Middlesex.

Position details


Any Day



Our Volunteer Livestock Checkers carry out weekly welfare checks of grazing animals on our nature reserves. Conservation grazing is an absolutely essential part of the work HMWT does across its nature reserves, and is the primary objective for many of our nature reserves. We use grazing animals such as cattle and sheep to manage rare grassland habitats. The work livestock do cannot easily be undertaken by machinery or other methods.

It is no overestimation that grazing animals on our nature reserves would be impossible without the help of volunteers. In this role you will be supporting our conservation grazing by helping us keep a check on our grazing animals. Our sites simply would not be the same without our livestock and our volunteer checkers.

Role location:

Designated nature reserve(s).

Role responsible to:

Senior Project Officer

Role responsibilities:

  • To carry out a weekly basic welfare check of grazing animals on HMWT’s nature reserve(s)
  • To ensure grazing animals are secure and safe within the correct grazing area
  • To communicate any issues with the responsible officer or other HMWT staff as appropriate

Skills and experience you will need:

  • Experience of visiting HMWT’s nature reserve(s)
  • Organisation, attention to detail and good observation skills
  • Availability and reliability on a weekly basis
  • Enthusiastic about wildlife and the work of the Trust
  • Ability to work in rough pasture and sometimes wet/muddy conditions

Reasons to volunteer with the Trust

  • Provide vital support for the Trust by helping us achieve our conservation grazing objectives
  • Opportunity to develop your skills and confidence
  • Gain valuable experience of practical conservation work
  • Receive support from a group of committed staff and volunteers working together to deliver our conservation objectives
  • Join a fun and friendly team to make a difference

Volunteer training and support

  • Induction training covering an introduction to the livestock and the grazing area; basic animal welfare checking; and H&S policies and procedures
  • Contact with an experienced staff member and other volunteers to guide your activities
  • Reasonable travel expenses can be claimed with prior arrangement

Anticipated time commitment:

  • Weekly commitment on a specified day(s) within a flexible timeframe which is site-dependent, but typically around three months
  • Welfare checks take approximately 30 minutes
  • Additional travel to and from nature reserve(s)

Additional Information

Contact details

For more information about this role please contact:

Steven Werrell (Senior Project Officer)                                                  
E: steven.werrell@hmwt.org

T: 07799116012