Purwell Ninesprings

The boardwalk is closed due to vandalism

Purwell Ninesprings Nature Reserve

Purwell Ninesprings Nature Reserve © Josh Kubale

Purwell Ninesprings

A spring fed wet grassland, reedbed and open water reserve attracting a wide variety of bird species and other wildlife.


Purwell Ninesprings

OS Map Reference

TL 206 293
A static map of Purwell Ninesprings

Know before you go

6 hectares

Parking information

No official parking. Unrestricted parking on Purwell Lane and Kingswood Avenue.


Terrain around the reserve can be wet, and there are some steps. 


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When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

The open water at this reserve attracts Moorhen, Mallard and, in winter, Teal. The reedbed is home to Reed Warblers, as well as Water Rails. The wet ground condition encourages Tussock Sedge, Yellow Iris and Water Forget-me-not. In winter, buntings roost among the reeds, Snipe feed in the meadow and Siskins feed on alder seeds.

Wildlife to spot
 Frog, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Reed Bunting, Water Rail.
Summer: Dragonfly, Yellow Iris, Ragged Robin, Sedge Warbler.
Autumn: Speckled Wood, warblers such as Blackcap, Chiffchaff.
Winter: Redpoll, Siskin, Woodcock.

Map of Purwell Ninesprings Nature Reserve


Site entrance: 0.1 miles down footpath from Kingswood Avenue.

Access by road: From A505 towards Hitchin, turn left onto Queenswood Drive after Letchworth Golf Club. Continue onto Kingswood Avenue and drive to the end where it meets Purwell Lane.

Access by public transport
81 – Mill Close (0.2 miles).
Rail: Hitchin (1.2 miles).

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