Cassiobury Park (c) Josh Kubale
Cassiobury Park LNR
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
April to AugustAbout the reserve
A wildlife haven in a corner of Cassiobury Park, close to the bustling heart of Watford. The wet habitats found in Cassiobury Park Local Nature Reserve (LNR) were once shallow watercress beds, fed with water from the river through a series of ditches. These have developed into marshland and open pools, surrounded by wet woodland of Alder and Willow, providing valuable cover and nesting sites for birds. There are also areas of grassland where birds such as Goldfinch and Greenfinch feed on the seedheads of Thistles and Teasels. Conservation management at Cassiobury Park LNR is carried out by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust on behalf of Watford Borough Council.
Seasonal Highlights
Spring: Common Frog, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush.
Summer: Meadowsweet, Purple Loosestrife, Ragged Robin, Water Forget-me-not, Yellow Rattle.
Autumn: Blackbird, Fieldfare, Fungi, Nuthatch.
Winter: Grey Heron, Kingfisher, Little Egret, Siskin.
Sit back, relax and go on a virtual tour of Cassiobury Park in this video of the reserve.
Site entrance: You can access this nature reserve through the wider Cassiobury Park using the Langley Way entrance. There is also access from Gade Avenue car park on Gade Avenue/Cassiobury Park Avenue, or via the park from Rickmansworth Road.
Access by road: Take the A412 Watford to Rickmansworth road for one mile. Turn right into Gade Avenue before the first major roundabout.
Access by public transport
Bus: 352, W30 – Watford Station (0.4 miles).
Rail: Watford Underground Station (0.4 miles).